Brighter Futures & Healthy From the Start
The Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP)
The Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP) Healthy from the Start is a free, confidential, community-based nutrition program for prenatal or recently postpartum families that are facing challenging circumstances. We provide resources and support in areas such as nutrition, health issues, mental wellness, breastfeeding and infant growth & development. Offering both in person and virtual sessions, Healthy from the Start also encourages creating connections between other parents and provides referrals to other services and agencies within our community. Registration within this program gives participants access to food vouchers, free prenatal vitamins, diapers, vitamin d-drops and other donations as they become available. Free child minding is also available for children 0-6 years of age during in person programs for parents who are attending educational sessions. New calendars of events are released every month. Please follow us on facebook for up-to-date information.
To learn more about this program, please contact:

The Community Action Plan for Children (CAPC) Niagara Brighter Futures

The Community Action Plan for Children Niagara Brighter Futures is a community-based program funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada; supporting families and their children aged 0 to 6. We offer in-person drop-in programming in Welland, Thorold, St. Catharines, and Niagara Falls for families and their children to have a supportive space to come together. Brighter Futures offers activities for young children, offers support, provides opportunities to meet new people, and provides donations such as diapers, wipes, and food as available. We offer in-person workshops during our programming for parents and guardians that are interested in attending. We also offer virtual programs hosting cook demos, parenting from a dad’s perspective workshops, community partner information sessions and healthy lifestyle sessions.
To know more about this program, please contact:
Ph: (289) 214-3180
Fax: (905) 714-0337